Morgan Shawler

I was responsible for leading nine different MOG classes that came two to three times a week. These classes consisted of checking blood pressures and instructing cardiovascular and strength training within each class. I was also responsible for assisting in the cardiac rehabilitation classes. There were two classes that met three times a week. During these classes, I assisted in lead placement, taking blood pressures, and getting pulse oximeter readings. On the other side of instructing and assisting in cardiac rehab, I was responsible for the monthly wellness board and the weekly Wellness Wednesdays. These were presented with health and wellness information to the MOG members and cardiac rehab patients.
One of the biggest accomplishments I have made during my time was all of the connections and knowing each MOG member’s name.I am glad I was able to help them along their fitness and wellbeing journey. I was able to lead the exercise classes all on my own without any help from my supervisors. Another major accomplishment is that I was able to work one on one with MOG members who had Macular Degeneration, Parkinson's Disease, and Cerebellar Ataxia.
Learning experience
I really learned what the exercise science career field is like. It is not just group fitness and personal training, although it does help to have a background in these. The MOG members were always so thankful and really enjoyed coming to their exercise. Working with the elderly age group was very rewarding. I now know what it is like to work with the younger population, the adults, and the older adults.
What advice would you give?
My advice would be to get a step ahead of everything and never wait till the last minute. Always take advantage of opportunities on campus, from your professors, or employers. Get out of your comfort zone and try something new!