Murat Hecimovic

Understand the basics of running front desk. Monitor and shadow other coaches in kickboxing, crossfit, jiu jitsu and muaythai. It's a lot of experience and fundamentals you have to understand to apply. You will learn the basics of running a facility, marketing and advertisement behind getting future prospects to the facility to join our gym.
I had the opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills in design through crossfit. I have now created our new company symbol and have been able to generate an appealing look to it that is favored by both staff and members of the facility.
Learning experience
My greatest lesson learned was learning martial arts and running a facility. It seems vague but I learned a lot into how detailed training should be to avoid injury. This is great because it ties into running a clean and amazing facility where people feel at home. We care for them and they see that. This is how we run the facility by having a family oriented environment which shows a lot.
What advice would you give?
Ask, ask and ask questions! I have a bad tendency to ask a lot of questions when going through work. It might seem annoying but it shows ambition. It shows you want to grow and it helped me take a big step into marketing and advertisement. It might act like I'm drifting away from what I'm doing but as a future trainer it will help me market myself. It will help you market yourself and a future gym that you might run. So don't forget how basic questions can lead to huge answers!