Natasha Wibowo
Assisted head designer with everyday tasks from researching trends, creating tech flats on illustrator, helping out with fabric sourcing, going to dye houses, etc. Being organized is a huge factor and also having the willingness and drive to go above and beyond are key characteristics to have as well.
My greatest accomplishment from this experience has been not only growing as a designer but as a person. I learned so much about myself and the industry by being across the country, I've become stronger and more independent because of it.
What advice would you give?
BE OPEN to any opportunity you get and take it! Even though I had never heard of AMADI before my internship search, I am still so grateful that I got the chance to learn and grow from this experience. I know many people aim for the big corporate companies which is great, but if you have the time and opportunity to work for a small company first, definitely take it. It's a great stepping stone to other positions and getting any experience while you can is always a bonus!