Samantha Brown

My main responsibilities are: planning fundraising events, making social media posts, and finding sponsors. When it comes to the fundraising events we are currently planning for one a month and our benefit in October 2020. I'm also responsible for looking after student volunteers that need service hours for a project.
My greatest accomplishment from this experience is being able to go out of my comfort zone to talk to people about the foundation and ask them to be a sponsor or a donor. I was a shy person before I came here but the staff is really fun to be around and you will always want to accomplish more than they ask you to. Iowa Able Foundation will push you to be your greatest.
Learning experience
The greatest lesson I learned while interning at Iowa Able Foundation is communication. The reason why I say that is because the staff is really understanding. If your feeling overwhelmed they will help you and vice versa. This team is a family to everyone that walks through that door. They will be there for you in the hard times and in the good times.
What advice would you give?
Find a place were you will be happy. Make sure to work or intern where the team will have your back and act as a family. This will push you and you will never want to disappoint them when they ask something of you. Another piece of advice I have is to never give up on your goals and dreams because they are two things that will make you fight for what you want.