Shelby Kaestner

Major: Human Development and Family Studies
Minor/option/emphasis: -- Select a Minor --
Company/Organization: City of Ames Park and Rec
Destination: Ames, Iowa
Timeframe: Spring 2022
Advisor/Coordinator Email: lenloe


During my internship I have worked with many different children over the course of three different sports. I have been a coach/instructor and referee for basketball, gymnastics, and currently soccer.


My greatest accomplishment was seeing a child who normally does not participate in class do everything that was asked of him in gymnastics. I always knew he could do it, he just struggled to pay attention and stay engaged.

Learning experience

One of the greatest lessons in working with children is the journey of patience. I call it a journey because it is something we all can always improve on over time. Being in charge of twenty five year olds for an hour takes patience in whatever you're doing, let alone adding trying to teach a new skill to the mix.

What advice would you give?

My advice to younger students is to find something you love and do it. I think that's a very common thing in Human Sciences because for the most part, we all know this isn't where the money is. We're here because we want to make a difference. If you're not passionate about your major, then find something else. Life is too short to merely exist.

Career Connections