Taylor Manusos

My daily responsibilities are doing rounds in the ICU daily to track lines such as catheters, PICC lines, and midlines. These lines can cause infections so we were in charge of tracking them every day to see if they can come out so they don't cause an infection. We also went to check the construction sites to make sure they were using infection control techniques to ensure dust isn’t spreading throughout the hospital and potentially affecting patients. We would also ensure that people who are in isolation precautions have the right signs and equipment to protect our employees and other patients.
I was able to make a powerpoint presentation over infection control to teach the new residents each year on what our expectations are when it comes to hand hygiene, putting on and taking off your gloves, etc,.
Learning experience
I learned to step out of your comfort zone because you get to experience a lot more then you would if you didn't say yes to helping out with something.
What advice would you give?
My advice to you is to not be scared of the future and to say yes to anything they offer as you get to experience more and learn more. Everyone is still learning knew things to this day especially in healthcare as you never know what kind of patient you may or may not get.