Tierney Lynn

Providing dining services and housing in our residence halls and apartments to a wide variety of conference groups such as: youth sports camps, academic and educational workshops for youth and adults, ISU Orientation, religious groups, Special Olympics Iowa, 4-H, Odyssey of the Mind, and many more!
My greatest accomplishment from my experience has been recruiting, interviewing, hiring, and training a Summer Conference Staff of 18, alongside 5 other Conference Managers. This was my first experience as an interviewer, and it is a completely difference world compared to being the interviewee. There is so much to learn from being an interviewer that can apply to and help you become a better interviewee.
Learning experience
My greatest lesson learned from my experience has been how vital and important it is to enhance and grow your professional skills throughout your time with your internship company. I have learned numerous professional communication skills, listening skills, management skills, etc. I have learned that it is incredibly important to learn from the professionals around you and appreciate the knowledge, skills, and professional criticism they have to offer. In the end it will benefit you!
What advice would you give?
Advice for future students is find an internship that you will LOVE! Find one that is related to your true passion. Keep searching, find your "home", and never give up. Once you find a company that you're passionate about you will truly thrive and grow within it. It will be your greatest learning experience yet! It will be AESHM!!!!!