Vailea Bohne

During the duration of my internship experience, my responsibilities included learning the ins and outs of the management role in a business setting. I was also responsible for making sales on the floor, managing the front desk, assisting the employees with tasks they may have yet to finish, and engage with customers.
Reflecting on my internship, I believe my greatest accomplishment is creating and delivering the perfect pitch. This is my greatest accomplishment because many sales departments rely on different verbal communication for each appointment. I can successfully say I can provide the perfect pitch throughout the entire appointment in all sale areas. I find this an essential factor when working with the client and assuring them they have an amazing experience.
Learning experience
Throughout the internship I have learned many lessons over the course of 10 weeks. One lesson I have learned is understanding someones behavior, either that be the customer or the staff. Recognizing the behavior of that person in that moment, leads me to my next best lesson which is verbal communication.What direction is best when communicating with client or staff based on their behavior can prevent negativity or boost the experience and any environment.
What advice would you give?
My advice for future students in AMD when searching for an internship is best to experience your future career goals. It's essential to gain as much experience during the internship timeline, both good and bad. The experience will inform you about the pros and cons of that career path which will help you determine if it's the right direction.