Wes Smith

Major: Kinesiology and Health
Minor/option/emphasis: Exercise Science
Company/Organization: Waukee High School
Company/Organization website: https://waukeeschools.org/
Destination: Waukee, IA
Timeframe: Summer
Advisor/Coordinator Email: dpower@iastate.edu


Clean weight room Set up weight room for the days work out Perform max testing on bench, squat, hangclean, and deadlift Perform max testing on 40yd dash and Flying 10yd dash Perform max testing on pro agility movement Supervise weight room Update Organizations social media Conduct group warm ups Conduct group cool downs Spot correct form Maintain equipment execute agency standards encourage and empower young athletes


My greatest accomplishment of the internship can not be narrowed down to a singular circumstance. The internship in its entirety was one of the best parts of EX SCI option at Iowa State University. I learned so much from what I want to do now, to the minor critiques in form that can have a large impact on someones lift, to new movements entirely from their over qualified head strength coach, Jay Dahl. To summarize, I guess I just liked having an impact on these young future hall-of-famers. It feels good at the end of the day knowing you helped someone out for the better.

What advice would you give?

Awesome learning staff, incredible experience, you can't end this internship without learning a LOT. Highly recommended and sought after internship. Just go for it, you'll thank yourself later.

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