Xuan Zhao

Working at the Clothing & Gift Department of the ISU Bookstore, I enjoyed seeing all of the new ISU gear and gifts right when it hit the sales floor. My responsibilities included: greeting and assisting customers with proper sizing and gift suggestions. I also restocked and re-merchandised the sales floor as needed.
My greatest accomplishment was learning how to assist a customer with an online purchase. In the first week of my internship, I got a phone call from a customer, and he wanted to complete an online order. However, at that time, I was nervous about filling out the customer's information and he got frustrated with me.
What advice would you give?
Step out of your comfort zone, do everything you can before your superior asks, and be able to manage your time so you are more productive and efficient. Also, keep a positive attitude as it has a significant effect on your work environment and relationships with your superiors and coworkers.