Zackary McDaniel

I was in charge of various things from instructing both large-group and small-group fitness, as well as some personal training sessions. I was also in charge of co-teaching a KIN-related college course. I was also in charge of writing the workout out of the day for each week I interned.
My greatest accomplishment was effectively and successfully leading a group fitness session without help or assistance. It was a big confidence booster for me as I am not great with larger groups typically.
Learning experience
The greatest lesson I learned is that it's okay to try your best and not always succeed, there will be good and bad days when it comes to a health-oriented field. You just have to take the good with the bad and keep pressing forward to create a better outcome and future. I also learned to always think ahead and be ready to modify in the moment because in this field you will work with all kinds of individuals and you have to be ready to assist in the best way you can.
What advice would you give?
Try new things and connect with people even if they aren't your go-to crowd or demographic. You will often find diamonds in the ruff this way, which can lead to great future experiences and potential clients or businesses down the road if you just reach out to someone.