Early Achievement (Extension)
- Submissions must be in .pdf form and submitted via email to chsaward-submit@iastate.edu by 11:59pm on the first Tuesday in February. Please name your PDF file “Award title, Last name of nominee” before submitting it (ex: Early Achievement in Extension or Professional Practice Award, Lee).
- Complete the nomination form.
- All letters should be on relevant letterhead, addressed to the College of Human Sciences Faculty and Staff Awards Committee, and signed by letter writer. Letters should be written specifically for the nomination.
- Nominating letter: Nomination statement of no more than three pages, signed by an individual with a reputation for outstanding outreach, describing why this person deserves this award. Cite specific examples.
- Curriculum vitae
- Letters from colleagues: Include at least two letters of no more than one page each from the nominee’s colleagues who are in a position to comment on his/her/their extension/professional service activities.
- Letters from clientele and/or alumni: At least three letters of no more than one page each from clientele and/or alumni.
- Evaluative data: Include evaluative data related to the nominee’s work. This can include clientele ratings in regard to teaching as well as evaluative data dealing with impact of the faculty/staff work on clientele. Data regarding the scope of the program (e.g., number of meetings held, number of people reached, number of publications prepared, number of publications prepared) would also be useful. This item should not be more than one page and should be presented in an easy to read format.