Rossmann Manatt Faculty Development Award Information

Established in 2006, the Rossmann Manatt Faculty Development Award is supported by an endowed gift from Jack and Marilyn Rossmann and Charles and Kathleen Manatt. The award recognizes a tenured faculty member who has demonstrated exceptional level of creativity and productivity in scholarship, teaching, and service and who shows great promise continuing such achievement. This one-time award ($5,000-10,000 determined by the maximum income available as generated from the endowment) is intended to facilitate faculty development activities. Refer to the Guidelines and Cover Sheet below for complete details. The award is bestowed once annually and alternates between two colleges:

  • Awarded to a College of Health and Human Sciences faculty member in even-numbered years
  • Awarded to aCollege of Agriculture and Life Sciences faculty member in odd-numbered years


All applications are due by the close of the business day the second Friday in January. The awardee delivers a lecture during the spring semester of the year following their award.

Nomination process

Nominations/self-nominations shall consist of (in one PDF and in this order):

  • Cover sheet (included in this RFP)
  • Nomination letter summarizing how the candidate meets the award criteria*
  • Nominee statement describing the use of the stipend*
  • The nomination letter and statement are limited to three pages total
  • Nominee’s current curriculum vita

Selection process

The selection committee will include the Dean of the College of Human Sciences, the Dean of the College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, a member of the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost, and a faculty representative from the awarding college’s honors & awards committee. A sample of the rating form used by the selection committee is in included in the Guidelines.