Dean’s Faculty Fellow Award
Dean’s Faculty Fellow Award
Established in 2015, the College of Human Sciences Dean’s Faculty Fellow award is designed to further enhance the scholarly reputation of the college, recognize faculty excellence, and honor and grow scholarly work by the recipient.
Target: Mid-career tenured faculty members, typically mid- to late-level associate professors or early to mid-level professors are targeted. This award will recognize scholarly work and potential in research, teaching or Extension/outreach. It is designed to reward a faculty member who has had a recent significant achievement or to enhance the work of a high-potential faculty member.
Duration of Fellowships: Two years, non-renewable.
Number of Fellowships: Funds will allow two faculty members to hold the Dean’s Faculty Fellow title in any one year. One individual will be selected to begin in FY16, allowing one new awardee each year.
Award Amount and Uses: The Fellow will receive $30,000/year for each of two years to assist with scholarly work. Funds may not be used to provide a salary supplement for the faculty fellow, although funds may be used for up to one month of summer salary.
Nomination and Selection Process: Department chairs/school director may nominate a deserving faculty member, providing justification for why the individual should receive the award and how the funds will be used to achieve a desired outcome. A one-page summary and the faculty member’s curriculum vitae should be submitted to the CHS dean, who will, in consultation with the CHS leadership team, make the appointment.
Timeline: Nominations are due December 15 for a start date of July 1 of the following year. Funds must be used within the two-year time of appointment as a Fellow.
Funding Source: An anonymous gift to the College of Human Sciences funds an endowed Dean’s Chair. The Dean’s Faculty Fellow award is one initial use of those funds.
2016-2018 – Linda Niehm
2015-2017 – Byron Brehm-Stecher