Each year Iowa State University recognizes the excellence of faculty and staff accomplishments through the conferring of university awards. With these awards, Iowa State celebrates faculty and staff who have demonstrated their commitment to learning, discovery, and engagement which are the cornerstones of Iowa State’s land-grant mission. For detailed information, visit the Division of Academic Affairs, University Honors and Awards webpage.

Nomination process for University Awards for the College of Health and Human Sciences

Some University award nominations must be submitted for review by the college, while others are open to all individuals and units. For those that must be submitted to the college, the department/school/unit’s Honors and Awards Committee, in collaboration with the nominees, prepares nomination packets for each candidate and routes the nominations through the appropriate department/school/unit representative on the College Honors and Awards committee to ensure review. A full nomination packet must be submitted for the nominee to be considered by the College Honors and Awards Committee. More specific instructions are included with each award.

Selection process for University Awards for the College of Health and Human Sciences

For University award nominations that must be submitted to the college, the College Honors and Awards Committee reviews the materials and makes award recommendations, which it submits to the Dean for final approval. The College Honors and Awards Committee reserves the right to not recommend any nominee for an award.

College of Health and Human Sciences Deadlines for Nominations for University Awards

All nominations for University Awards that are submitted to the college are due to the College of Health and Human Sciences’ Honors and Awards Committee by 11:59pm on the second Friday of December. Contact the respective department/school/unit representative for additional guidelines and information related to submission, such as internal department/school/unit deadlines for review.

The College of Health and Human Sciences Honors and Awards Committee members are:

  • Chair: Jel Lee
  • Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management:  Eunha Jeong
  • Food Science and Human Nutrition:  Kevin Schalinske
  • Human Development and Family Studies:  Peter Martin
  • Kinesiology: Elizabeth Stegemoller
  • School of Education:  Evrim Baran
  • Merit Representative:


  • Administrative: Deb Sellers
  • Alumni Relations: Dynette Mosher
  • Communications: Brittney Rutherford

Awards Offered by Iowa State University

For a full list of all University Faculty and Staff awards and additional information, please visit the Division of Academic Affairs, University Honors and Awards webpage.