These endowed chairs and professors do vital work for the College of Human Sciences. These positions specialize in areas of study identified by the donors who created the endowments. Endowed funds are managed through the Iowa State Foundation, for the benefit of the College.
Dean’s Chairs and Department Chairs
Endowed leadership positions enable administrators — deans, directors, and department chairs — to leverage human and financial resources to intensify the impact of their unit and its programs. Because earnings from endowments are not intended for one specific project, program or person, they can be focused on urgent or emerging priorities.
Chairs and Professorships
Endowed chairs and professorships are the most esteemed positions in academia. They help recruit and retain exceptional scholars by acknowledging their professional leadership and ensuring appropriate compensation. Earnings from endowed positions further research, provide students valuable opportunities, and expand academic programs.
A visiting professorship enables Iowa State to host a distinguished professor by funding expenses such as travel and an honorarium. Visiting professors provide students and faculty with specialized entrepreneurial, business or research knowledge. This creates opportunities that cannot be matched through traditional classroom and departmental activities.
Fellowships are awards given to encourage faculty to pursue new ideas, creative projects and research that allow them to grow in their disciplines and bring fresh ideas into the classroom.
Barbara E. Forker Professor
Charlotte E. Roderuck Faculty Fellowship
L Lanningham-Foster
Department Chair
Department: Food Science and Human Nutrition
Dr. Thelma McMillan Professorship in Food Science and Human Nutrition
Donna R. Danielson Professor in Textiles and Clothing
Eulanda Sanders
Chief Strategist of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Department: Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management
Doris A. Adams Endowed Chair in Food Science and Human Nutrition
Frederick and Johnna Kleisner Professor in Hospitality Management
Eunha Jeong
Associate Professor
Department: Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management
Jane Armstrong Professor in Food Science and Human Nutrition
Jean Bacon Louis Faculty Fellow
Lura M. Lovell Faculty Fellow
Nancy Rygg Armbrust Professor in Early Childhood Development and Education
Carla Peterson
Professor – Nancy Rygg Armbrust Professor
Department: Human Development and Family Studies
Noma Scott Lloyd Chair in Textiles and Clothing
Richard Mahoney and Lois Hartman Professor in Hospitality Management
Eric Brown
Associate Chair for Undergraduate Academic Affairs and Associate Professor
Department: Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management
Ruth Whipp Sherwin Professor
Jonathan Fox
Professor – Ruth Whipp Sherwin Professor
Department: Human Development and Family Studies
Sandra S. and Roy W. Uelner Professor
Virginia M. Gladney Professor in Food Science and Human Nutrition