Here to Help You Every Step of the Way 

The College of Health and Human Sciences Honors program gives faculty members opportunities to:

  • Mentor an honors student that will assist you in your research
  • Advise an honors student working on a project in an area related to your interests
  • Teach an honors seminar of your choosing in one of your areas of expertise
  • Offer a special honors component for one of your courses

Become an Honors Mentor

The University Freshman Honors Program pairs honors students with a faculty member in their area of interest.

How It Works

The student works with the faculty member on the faculty member’s research throughout the semester. Students can receive one to two credit hours of honors independent study for the experience. This program allows freshman honors students an optional research opportunity to establish a relationship with a faculty mentor and to gain valuable research experience.

Learn More about Becoming an Honors Mentor

If you are interested in learning more about working as a mentor, visit: First-Year Honors Mentor Program.

Become a Project Advisor

Every student who is a member of the College of Health and Human Sciences Honors program is required to complete an honors project. The student works with a faculty member, who becomes the project advisor. This role gives faculty members the opportunity to work with outstanding students in their field and to mentor a young person who may become a noted scholar! It allows you to help a young person learn how to conduct scholarship relevant to his or her major.


  • Each honors student must find a faculty advisor in a timely manner so there is plenty of time to develop the project before the work begins.
  • The student is asked to file an honors project intent statement, which identifies the possible topic, 1 to 3 possible research questions, and the name of the faculty advisor.
  • Once the project has been decided upon, the honors student must complete an honors project Project Proposal Form.
  • The advisor reviews the packet of information and signs the coversheet.
  • Advisors should review the honors project section of this website to be aware of the process and deadlines for the student.
  • If you are interested in working as a project advisor, contact your department representative to the College Honors Committee and visit with honors students in your department.

Teach an Honors Seminar

Each semester, students in the University Honors Program can take seminars specifically designed for them. Faculty and staff members from all colleges are invited to teach these seminars.

How It Works

The topic of the seminar is up to you. It can be related to your scholarship or it can be an area of interest not related to your field. The only requirement is that you have expertise on the topic. Seminars are offered for one to two credit hours and can be held throughout the semester or for just half of the semester. You set the enrollment limit (usually 15) and the attendance policy.

To Teach an Honors Seminar

If you are interested in teaching an honors seminar, you need to complete the Seminar Proposal Form and return it to the University Honors Program. If you have questions, you can contact the University Honors program (515-294-4292) or contact the College Honors Committee chair.

Offer an Honors Component

Students in the College of Health and Human Sciences Honors program are required to take one honors course in their major. The majority of the majors in the college do not offer honors sections of their courses. Therefore, honors students may approach you requesting to add an honors component to a course you teach.

How It Works

You, in collaboration with the student, decide what that component would be specific to the course. The requirements of the component are in addition to the regular course work and credit. Your departmental representative or College Committee chair can help you think through what might work as an honors component. The honors student is required to complete and turn in an Honors Credit Form so the course receives honors designation on the transcript.

To Offer an Honors Component

If you are interested in offering an honors component as part of your course, contact the College Honors Committee chair.

Need More Information?

CHS Honors Program

131 MacKay Hall
2302 Osborn Drive
Ames, Iowa 50011-1078


Need More Information?

University Honors Program

2130 Jischke Honors Bldg.
603 Farm House Lane
Ames, Iowa 50011-1057
