Ellen Hungerford

Overall Experience
My overall experience was so much fun. I learned so much about Bahamian culture, from the hospitality industry to their college programs. I made so many new friends and bonds throughout this experience, too.
Learning experience
Overall, I learned to be more flexible. I did not really know what to expect going into the trip, so being able to take everything in stride with enthusiasm was a really important aspect.
Memorable experience
A memorable experience from this trip was taking a an island hopper plane to a different island, and then walking around the island and swimming. There was a lot less tourists on this island, so we really felt like we were immersed in the culture.
What advice would you give?
My advice is to not worry if you do not know any one else on the trip, because you will form bonds and friendships so fast.
How has this experience impacted your life?
This experience helped me grow as a person. It was the first time that I have ever been out of the country, so there was a lot of new experiences on just the traveling aspect. I also learned a lot about the hospitality, events, and tourism industry, all which will pertain to my future career.
How did you learn about this experience?
I learned about this opportunity through one of my classes. Mr. Kramer came in to give us more information about the trip.
International Connections