Jimeca Lawrence

Overall Experience
This experience was unmatched. The people I've met, the places I visited, and the Parisian culture have created a feeling I could never describe only with words. I had the true pleasure of experiencing a glimpse of the life I am trying to build in apparel and merchandising. I thoroughly enjoyed the language, the food, the behaviors, and basking in such a rich atmosphere. I would describe this overall experience as being a "good different"--just what I needed and desired to gain. Another item checked on the bucket list!
Learning experience
My most valuable experience was visiting all the museums and galleries. Paris takes pride in their culture and fascinating history. I learned more from the residents than from any textbooks, magazines, or web articles. I loved the opportunity to listen to the stories behind the paintings, sculptures, and garments.
Memorable experience
The most memorable was working as a dresser during Paris Fashion Week. I was able to meet and conversed with several famous fashion designers and models. The only way to describe it is fun, fast-paced, fun, fascinating, and fun! Several of the looks were featured in Vogue and FY!.
What did you not expect?
During Paris Fashion Week, I was surprised at how respectable and exciting the shows were. Even as a dresser, I was able to display my talents on a smaller scale that impact the overall experience of the shows.
What advice would you give?
This is my second study abroad and both were vastly different. My advice to other students is to eliminate their fears, step out of their comfort zone, and surpass their limits!
How has this experience impacted your life?
This experience has created a transforming sense of fulfillment. Personally, I have gained confidence in communicating with others from diverse backgrounds. I am proud of how I learned to take risks and understand the ways to bet on myself. This experience has taught me to aim higher to achieve my goals. The quote, "if you believe it, you can achieve," will always resonate after this experience.
How did you learn about this experience?
I learned of this international opportunity via email and advertisement. The email featured several international destinations for AMD students, and Paris American Academy was among several options listed.
International Connections