Kylie Petersen

Overall Experience
This course included a semester-long class, which prepared us for our trip to France and, of course, traveling to France! The course consisted of getting to know my peers I would be traveling with and learning about the culture in France. In France, we spent most of our time in Paris but traveled to the countryside for a day to experience the wine vineyards. I had an amazing time trying new foods and experiencing the culture of another country.
Learning experience
A personality trait I discovered that I have while in France is my ability to go with the flow and enjoy the experience. Before France, I considered myself to have a Type A personality, but here I found that things are a lot easier if I just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Memorable experience
The best part of the entire trip was going to the Moulin Rouge for dinner and a show. This was the first time I experienced a multi-course dinner, which did not disappoint! It was fun to get dressed up and have a good time with people I was just beginning to get close with!
What did you not expect?
I didn't expect the Metro to be as packed and crammed as it was. I have been on busy public transportation before, but I do not think I could have ever imagined that the Metro would get as busy as it did. Being from a small town in Iowa, I have never had to account for traffic when getting to and from anywhere, but I realized that if I ever move to a larger city, this is something I would have to get used to.
What advice would you give?
Be open-minded when going into the experience, and be ready to try new things! You never know what you will or won't like unless you try it!
How has this experience impacted your life?
Studying abroad, although it was only 2 weeks, gave me a perspective that I could not have gained in the United States. I learned a lot about myself and how I handle unfamiliar situations and more importantly, I learned how much culture affects the way of life. While Paris is a very populous city, I found myself seeing more people relaxing and enjoying the evening than I have ever seen in a large city in the United States. Here, we do a lot of hustling around, but being in France made me recognize that the most important thing in life is not work.
How did you learn about this experience?
I learned about this international opportunity via my advisor, Anne Oldham.
International Connections