Molly Mroczkowski

Overall Experience
Overall, my experience was very eye opening. I was able to experience a different culture and see a different country that I have never been to and probably would not of gone to if it wasn't for study abroad. I got to learn about different educational strategies and go into schools in Italy while observing the classes. We got to tour all over Italy and saw a lot of the tourist spots.
Learning experience
The most valuable experience I encountered was talking to people from many different cultures and backgrounds. I learned that when I am a future teacher I need to make sure every student feels welcomed no matter where they are from. I also grew form this experience being able to navigate around Italy in small groups using navigation from our phones.
Memorable experience
The most memorable experience I had was seeing things that most people don't have the opportunity to see. I was able to see things such as the Colosseum, the Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, the catacombs, I was able to make my own pasta, and even had the opportunity to climb the Holy Stairs.
What did you not expect?
Something that surprised me was the similarities and differences I noticed in the classrooms. It was surprising to see how the school we observed was run and different things the students did that I was not used to do in my classes in the United States. I will use some of the strategies I saw the teachers use in my future classroom.
What advice would you give?
If you are having doubts or second thoughts about study abroad I say do it. It is such a great experience and something most people don't have the opportunity to do. I got to explore a different country while also learn so much.
How has this experience impacted your life?
This experience impacted my life in so many ways. I was able to see a culture that is so different than what I am used to. I was able to talk to people from different cultures and try different food. I learned so much while observing the schools in Italy and was able to compare the different from the schools in the United States to the schools in Italy. There was some things that I saw in the classes in Italy that I definitely want to incorporate into my future classroom.
International Connections