Olaiya Lewis

Overall Experience
It was AMAZING! I loved every second of it. I wish I could go and do it again.
Learning experience
The most valuable learning experience I encountered was the Valencia Language Exchange. My friends and I went to the dance classes they hosted on Wednesday nights. It was an incredible experience. I learned how to dance, and I danced with native Spanish speakers, so the experience grew my abilities as a Spanish speaker.
Memorable experience
The most memorable experience for me was traveling to Rome with seven people I met through the program. We ended up traveling all around Europe together and still hang out in Ames today.
What did you not expect?
One thing I didn't expect was the laid-backness of Spanish life. Everyone went with the flow and planned things as they went. I am a planner by nature, so it was difficult at first to live the way everyone else did. However, by the end of the trip, I was enjoying making decisions as I went, it made my experience much more fun because I was just going with the flow. This changed how I want to plan my daily life back in the US; I want to be open to anything and go with the flow.
What advice would you give?
My advice would be to try anything and EVERYTHING. I tasted foods I'd never heard of before, danced dances I did not know, and traveled to so many fun places I had never been before. You may only be in Europe once and you should make the most of it. Try anything you can and enjoy every bit of the experience offered to you.
How has this experience impacted your life?
Participating in this program grew my abilities as a Spanish speaker. This is so important to me because I am a future teacher and I want to be able to speak to my students in Spanish.
How did you learn about this experience?
I learned about it through the study abroad fair and through one of my friends who participated in the program the year before.
International Connections