Sketchnoting pushes students to learn, retain information differently — particularly in STEM

Students learn how to develop their sketchnoting skills from Verena Paepcke Hjeltness assistant professor of industrial design. Photo by Christopher Gannon
Sketchnoting is an alternative to traditional note-taking that involves adding visuals to words.
Verena Paepcke-Hjeltness, an assistant professor of industrial design, has introduced sketchnoting to about 1,000 Iowa State students in apparel and merchandising, food science and human nutrition, design, and engineering. Now she’s teaching the note-taking approach to students in Ann Russell’s animal ecology class while Gansemer-Topf measures what the students learn.
Innovating new strategies for teaching and learning STEM concepts may help draw a wider range of students into STEM majors, Gansemer-Topf said.
See the full ISU News Service story.