Advisor Directory

The College of Health and Human Sciences academic advisors can assist prospective and undergraduate students interested in the college and its activities. Please call or email to set an appointment time.

Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management

Apparel, Merchandising and Design

Event Management

Hospitality Management

Food Science and Human Nutrition

Food Science and Human Nutrition

Dietetics and Diet and Exercise

Nursing (RN-to-BSN Program)

Human Development and Family Studies

Human Development and Family Studies

Early Childhood Education

Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies

Financial Counseling and Planning


Athletic Training

Kinesiology and Health, Pre-Athletic Training

School of Education

Elementary Education

Deb Powers

Aacademic Advisor II

Department: School of Education


Secondary Education


Need More Information?

College of Health and Human Sciences Student Services

131 MacKay Hall
2302 Osborn Drive
Ames, IA 50011-1078
