The Committee for the Helen LeBaron Hilton Fund within the College of Human Sciences solicits proposals in the fall. Human Sciences Extension and Outreach program specialists are encouraged to apply. In addition, students, faculty, and staff in the following departments are eligible to apply as well:

  • Food Science and Human Nutrition
  • Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS)
  • Apparel, Events and Hospitality Management (AESHM)


The Helen LeBaron Hilton Fund should be used imaginatively to recognize and promote the themes of leadership philosophy and service that Helen LeBaron Hilton exhibited during her 23 years as Dean of the College of Home Economics at Iowa State University. Among these major themes are educational adaptivity, professional competence, civic and community service, leadership, and balanced quality of life. The purpose is to represent the whole person, and insofar as possible, to continue her/his impact on human welfare.

Project types

The fund can be used to serve the needs and interests of a variety of audiences, participants, and recipients – for example, the general public, professional groups, alumni, faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students. These services may be provided by special events, improved facilities that benefit recipients of the grant, grants to students in the departments, faculty, staff, etc.

Funding priorities

As the committee reviews proposals, an attempt will be made over time to sponsor a variety of subject matter areas and functions. Submissions by two or more departments, by committees, or by an individual representing a group are encouraged. Funds should be used for high-priority goals that cannot be achieved otherwise.

The following requests will not be funded:

  • Projects which benefit the applicant only
  • Released time for pursuing projects
  • Fees or stipends for undergraduate and graduate credit, although hourly pay is allowed
  • Graduate thesis and dissertations

Award amount

The grants provide funding for projects or activities of $2,500 or less. Limitations are based upon earnings from the fund. Partial funding of proposals will be considered.

Proposal format

Requirements for proposals are minimal because of the varied nature of requests. Elements most important to the review committee are as follows:

  1. Rationale or need
  2. Outcome(s), for example, purposes, objectives
  3. Activity work plan with timelines
  4. Budget showing detail to justify request and delineation of support from other sources
  5. Evaluation plan for determining effectiveness in reaching outcome
  6. Dissemination plan for activity results

Submission and deadlines

The department faculty or staff applicant submits an electronic copy of the proposal to the applicant’s department chair. Extension faculty or staff applicants submit the proposal to the applicant’s immediate supervisor. The department chair or supervisor then submits the application to Marsha Peterson at the College of Human Sciences.

Proposals will be reviewed and funding decisions made according to the following timeline:

October 15, 11:59 p.m.: Proposals due to Marsha Peterson

November 15: Recommendations from the committee

December 1: Announcements of awards

Progress report: An electronic progress report of the project must be submitted to Marsha Peterson by October 15 of the year following, if the project is not complete at that time.

Final report: A final electronic report must be submitted to Marsha Peterson at the completion of the project.

Application process

Submitting the application – applicant: Proposals from department faculty or staff members are submitted to the respective department chair. Proposals from Human Sciences Extension and Outreach faculty or staff are submitted to the individual’s immediate supervisor. This should be done in advance of the Oct 15 deadline, so the department chair/administrator has time to submit the proposal.

Submitting the application – department chair or Extension and Outreach supervisor: The respective department chair (or Extension and Outreach faculty/staff supervisor) is responsible for submitting the proposal by doing the following by the October 15 deadline:

  • Preparing a brief support statement (to be sent via email) for the project
  • Submitting the electronic proposal submitted by the applicant along with the support statement to Marsha Peterson
  • Including a ranking if submitting more than one proposal for the department or program area (see below)

Multiple submissions: If more than one proposal is submitted from each department or program area, the department chair or supervisor ranks the proposals in order of merit and provide reasons for the ranking. Submit this ranking to Marsha Peterson by the October 15 deadline.

Evaluation: Proposals will be evaluated by the Selection Committee for the Helen LeBaron Hilton Fund, ranked in order of merit, and forwarded with recommendations to the dean. If proposal requests exceed the monies available, the committee will rank its recommendations as guidance to the dean in light of total resources available. Proposals will not be carried over from one review period to the next.

Award: Upon recommendation of the dean, the funds will be allocated to the award recipients.

Need More Information?

Marsha Peterson

901 Stange Road
2155 EA Lagomarcino Hall
