Purpose of the college partnerships

After conversations between ISU 4U Promise staff and teacher liaison teams at King and Moulton elementary schools two years ago, two themes emerged. First, teachers expressed a desire for a greater presence of successful ISU student role models, specifically students who have similarities to King and Moulton students (race, SES, ELL). Secondly, they expressed a need for their students to learn more about college and the breadth of career options available to them at ISU.

In response to these suggestions, Kayla Pippitt, the previous ISU 4U Promise Program Coordinator, proposed a structure designed to promote greater ISU presence in the Moulton and King classrooms. The premise is to partner each undergraduate college at ISU with one grade level at the schools with the hope that each college would provide a variety of supports for students during that year. Each year of elementary school, students would be exposed to a new college, and by the end of their time at King or Moulton, they will have learned about and had connections to all six undergraduate colleges at Iowa State. The following partnerships were created:

Grade LevelSponsor College
KindergartenCollege of Agriculture and Life Sciences
First GradeCollege of Design
Second GradeCollege of Business
Third GradeCollege of Health and Human Sciences
Fourth GradeCollege of Liberal Arts and Science
Fifth GradeCollege of Engineering

Come back to this page again soon to hear how the different colleges are engaging with the ISU 4U Promise Scholars at Moulton and King.

Need More Information? We’re Here 4U!

ISU 4U Promise

1218 Lagomarcino Hall
901 Stange Road
Ames, Iowa 50011-1041

