Take the next step in your career

Designed to meet the professional needs of practicing teachers, a Masters in Education with a literacy emphasis will prepare you for the next level of your career with courses based on the latest research. The literacy focus of this path will give you XYZ (this copy is all about marketing – should be focused on “you” – meaning the prospective student – and what we can do for them and their career – 72 words).

Application Deadline: For Fall consideration, applications are due by the preceding January 1. For Spring consideration, applications are due by the preceding November 1.
Length: 30 credits / three years
Format: Hybrid

Admission Requirements

  • Undergraduate degree (e.g., B.A., or B.S.) from an accredited institution
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) in your undergraduate degree. Applicants with a GPA below 3.0 may be admitted in exceptional cases
  • Applicants whose native language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in English with a minimum TOEFL score of 83 or an IELTS score of at least 6.5 for consideration for admission to the School of Education


All students are required to take:

  1. EDUC 533: Theories of Learning
  2. EDUC 506: Social Justice Education and Teaching
  3. EDUC 515: Action Research in Education

Course descriptions can be accessed via the Iowa State course catalog

Note: All three of these courses will have an online option.

The 18 credits of coursework that are in addition to the 12 credits of coursework in the division-level core are determined by any area (e.g. STEM) or emphasis (e.g. educational technology) specific requirements and in consultation with the students’ major professor. A major professor will be assigned at the point of admission. 

  • Students may transfer in courses that substitute for the Division-level course requirements if there is agreement among area faculty that the student has already taken an equivalent graduate course at another institution or ISU. ISU/SOE policy allows up to 9 credits to be transferred to a master’s degree program. No more than 6 of those credits may be 8-10 years old. At least 22 credits must be earned at ISU.

Note: All students admitted to start fall 2018 or later have the following requirements. If you were admitted to start prior to fall 2018, please see the previous M.Ed. requirements.


We need to figure out how to talk about tuition – do we route them to an ISU page like this one? https://financialaid.iastate.edu/getting-started/cost/cost-of-attendance/ If we are, it could be a button like the example below.

Need More Information?

Graduate Support Specialist
