Sadie Thiele

My responsibilities include executing student campus visits from start to finish. This includes prepping student materials, checking in guests, answering questions, facilitating visits, and giving campus walking tours. I typically help coordinate at least two campus visits a day, four days a week.
My greatest accomplishment was being a part of the coordination of over 200 campus visits. This means that I helped educate over 3,000 possible future cyclones on what going to Iowa State University. Being a part of this recruitment has been very fun and fulfilling.
Learning experience
My greatest lesson is that having a great team makes all the difference. My coworkers are amazing and show how efficient an operation can run with the right people. I also learned that paying attention to detail is key to success. Keeping our details precise keeps us looking professional.
What advice would you give?
Get all the experience that you can before you graduate! Each job or volunteer opportunity is going to give you confidence and direction on where you want to work. Have fun and take it all in!