
As a land-grant institution, Iowa State University and the College of Human Sciences are dedicated to extending research to the people of our communities, state, nation, and world. We do this in a variety of ways, such as:

Our research starts in labs located in Ames, Iowa, but truly knows no boundaries, as alumni, students, faculty, and staff work the world over to bring improvements to people’s lives.


Curriculum and Instruction graduate students are working with area school children to improve their literacy and reading skills through the Fred Duffelmeyer Reading Clinic. This donor-supported center offers tutoring for the children who need it most, advancing their skills and improving their chances of academic success.


Human Sciences Extension and Outreach provides research-based information and education to help families make decisions that improve their lives. As the outreach arm of the College of Human Sciences, faculty and staff work together with specialists located across Iowa’s 99 counties to translate university research to practice for local individuals, families, employers, and communities. 

Human sciences outreach focuses on food safety, nutrition, wellness, caregiving, parenting, relationships, and personal finance for people across the lifespan. Human Sciences hotlines and call centers offer assistance with home and family questions, stress counseling, financial concerns, and legal questions. 

One of its hallmark programs, the Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14 (SFP 10-14),  was named the most effective program for decreasing the onset of drug and alcohol problems in youth out of 6,000 prevention and intervention programs. The Pan American Health Organization and the United Nations has adapted SFP 10-14 for use in other countries.

Community Engagement

On any given day, our students are working with members of society through internships at local retirement homes, in communities on food systems change efforts through the Rising Stars Program, or with the revitalization of a downtown community through the MainStreet Iowa initiative. 

Need More Information?

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach

2150 Beardshear Hall
515 Morrill Road
Ames, IA 50011-2031
