Student Services Staff Directory
- Advising coordinator
- Liaison to Office of the Registrar
- Academic standards
- College Honors Program
- CHS learning communities
- DARS (Degree Audit Reporting System)
- Student records
- Registration and course availability
- Academic advisor to Human Sciences undecided and special majors
- MINDS Learning Community
- Retention programs
- New student orientation
- College Honors Program
- Degree audits
- Student records
- Registration and course availability
- Career services data (internships)
- New student orientation
- Career Services data management
- Scheduling and administrative support
- Supervision of student office assistants
- Degree audits
- Student records
- Finance and accounting
- Office reporting and administrative support
- Advise students on career development skills and strategies
- Manage employer recruiting inquiries and needs
- Promote career opportunities and events to students
- Co-coordinate the People to People, Business, Industry & Technology, and Teacher Education career fairs
- Develop and lead career-related programming
- Collect and analyze graduate outcomes data and prepare statistical reports
- Advise students on career development skills and strategies
- Manage employer recruiting inquiries and needs
- Promote career opportunities and events to students
- Develop and lead career-related programming
- Collect and analyze graduate outcomes data and prepare statistical reports
- Serve as college lead for the CyHire career management system
- Promote office services and resources to CHS students
- Communicate information about recruiting opportunities to current and prospective employers
- Identify and develop professional partnerships with potential new employers
- Serve as a liaison to CHS Communications office
- Study abroad program development and coordination
- International partnerships
- CHS exchange coordinator
- CHS START director
- Study abroad advising
- Student success initiatives
- Connect Four Learning Community
- Diversity and inclusion programming
- Scholarship and professional development opportunities
- Student assistance
- Recruitment efforts
- Transfer relations
- Admissions Partnership Program (APP)
- Recruitment efforts
- CHHS Ambassadors
- Campus visits
Need More Information?
College of Health and Human Sciences Student Services
131 MacKay Hall
2302 Osborn Drive
Ames, IA 50011-1078