Honors Project

In order for you to graduate with honors, you will be required to complete an honors project that helps you learn more about your chosen field of study, research or scholarship, and yourself. The honors project involves planning and executing a project that is, for the most part, self-directed.

Toward the end of each semester, you will present your project at the University Honors Poster Presentation.

Project Elements

  • Find a faculty project advisor to work with
  • Determine the project topic
  • Complete the Project Intent Statement
  • Register for 2-4 credits of your departmental honors designation (KIN 490H, AESHM 490H, C I 490H, FSHN 490H, or HDFS 490H) and your project advisor’s honors research section (KIN 490H section JG, AESHM 490H section AC, etc.)
    • All research credit smust be added through the registrar’s schedule change form located in AccessPlus. You will need your project advisor’s specific section number to register. Please see this link for step by step instructions.
  • Complete the Project Proposal Form
  • Complete the project
  • Present the project in poster form at a University Honors Poster Presentation held during prep week


The timing of your honors project and subsequent poster presentation depends on several factors. The project intent statement is due two semesters prior to your poster presentation, and the project proposal is due one semester prior. If you find yourself unable to present your poster during your final semester, you will need to move your timeline up one semester (or more) to accommodate for that conflict.

Factors to Consider

  • Semester of your graduation
  • Applying to and interviewing for graduate school
  • Off-campus student teaching or internship opportunities
  • Participation in a study abroad program

Refer to the Honors program timeline for examples of how honors deadlines fit within your academic career.


Grants up to $750 are available for your project. Honors students can apply for the Honors program grant and/or the Stewart Research Award. Guidelines and applications can be found on the University Honors Program website.

Human Subjects

If your research involves human subjects (surveys, interviews, focus groups, research subjects), you will need to seek Institution Review Board (IRB) approval if you or your project advisor plan to publish or display your results outside the Iowa State campus. If your research is solely for your honors project and poster presentation, approval is not needed. If you have questions about the IRB role or process, talk to your faculty project advisor. Information on IRB requirements can be found on the Office for Responsible Research website.

Credits Earned

Your faculty project advisor is responsible for determining with you the number of credits to be earned. Credits assigned will depend on the scope and complexity of the project. Your faculty project advisor will be responsible for assigning two-four credits.

Need More Information?

CHS Honors Program

131 MacKay Hall
2302 Osborn Drive
Ames, Iowa 50011-1078



Need More Information?

University Honors Program

2130 Jischke Honors Bldg.
603 Farm House Lane
Ames, Iowa 50011-1057

