Amy Ngo

Major: Kinesiology and Health
Company/Organization: City of Ames
Company/Organization website:
Destination: Ames, Iowa
Timeframe: Spring 2022
Advisor/Coordinator Email: dpower


My responsibilities as a Health Promotion Intern were primarily three different wellness programs: The Fit City Challenge, Smart Holidays Challenge, and The Charging Station. These programs all focused on different aspects of wellness and were spread throughout the course of my internship. Other responsibilities I had were contact tracing, assisting with flu clinics/COVID clinics, attending the Healthiest State walk, assisting in the Make It Ok video, attending meetings with the HR staff and supervisor, creating promotional materials for the annual wellness program, utilizing Canva to create flyers and brochures, assist with the fire/police wellness teams, and various projects!


My greatest accomplishment was planning, implementing, and evaluating the Fit City Challenge which was a 10 week fitness program designed to encourage participants to get into the habit of including physical exercise into their daily routines.

Learning experience

The greatest lessons I've learned were that you will make mistakes. You will give out the wrong information or miss out on an important detail. You just have to pick yourself up and focus on what you can fix and work harder to make sure it doesn't happen again!

What advice would you give?

Find out what part of the industry you are interested in and really delve into that niche and focus on what you are passionate in. Never stop learning as this field is one that will continue to evolve!

Career Connections