Chantel Flack

Throughout the entirety of my internship, I had various responsibilities ranging from small to large. I was in charge of identifying potential event opportunities and retail locations to execute our retail marketing plan. After identifying event opportunities, I had to contact the directors of each company, negotiate the best price, sign contracts, and confirm all aspects leading up to the event were ready to go! I had the responsibility of hiring and training new event staff. We had many classes where I taught the new employees about our company, products, and how we grab the attention of potential clients at events. In addition, I created the event staff schedule and determined the shift lengths. After each event, I evaluated what went well and what could be improved. The evaluation was done to help with the planning and execution of the event in the future. I also had many duties to fulfill in the marketing department during my internship. I managed how many leads we were bringing in to ensure the cost of the marketing was successful and to assist in future forecasting. I collaborated with our direct mail company to create our monthly promotional campaigns. It was interesting to learn all the aspects that go into a marketing campaign. After finalizing the campaign, I was also responsible for sending KCCI and Channel 13 our new promotional campaign and updated commercials. I updated our social media platforms and responded to customer reviews. In addition, weekly marketing meetings were held to ensure that we were on track with our goals, leads, team performance, upcoming events, and weekly objectives. With my hard work and determination, I was able to fulfill these various responsibilities.
When it comes to the greatest accomplishment during my internship, I would have to say planning our booth for events such as the Des Moines Arts Festival and the Iowa State Fair. Planning for these events took effective communication, organization, attention to detail, and problem-solving skills. Lastly, another major accomplishment of my internship was being offered a full-time position by the company. From day one, I worked hard, and it did not go unnoticed. I am grateful for this opportunity and my future!
Learning experience
The greatest lessons I learned from my internship experience were the importance of being a leader, networking, and having a positive attitude. When I started my internship, I was ready to learn. When assigned tasks, I took full advantage of utilizing my leadership skills and stepped out of my comfort zone. Throughout my internship, it was important for me to have confidence in my skills and abilities. To help build my confidence, I tried new things and put myself out there! Next, networking is huge in career development. When I first started, I made sure to introduce myself and get to know my co-workers. It is important to build those relationships across the different levels of the organization. By doing this, I was able to learn and develop my areas of expertise. Lastly, staying positive and being able to take constructive criticism. I enjoyed receiving feedback because, in the end, I only knew it was going to make me a better employee.
What advice would you give?
My internship experience taught me many valuable lessons and skills. Going into my internship, I had a “go-getter” attitude and a positive outlook on the whole experience! Obtaining this mindset allowed me to conquer any challenges that arose throughout my internship. At times, you may feel discouraged, but continue to believe in yourself! I would advise you to set goals for yourself and skills that you want to learn or sharpen. Remember, this is a learning experience, and it is okay to make mistakes. If you are confused, ask questions! When I first started, I asked an abundance of questions to fully understand my position and duties. Your employer will appreciate your interest to learn! Lastly, be proactive and take leadership. A couple of ways you can do this is to propose ideas, get involved, take responsibility for your work, ask for feedback, and have clear communication.