Delayne Shawback

Major: Event Management
Minor/option/emphasis: Hospitality Management
Company/Organization: Everlasting Details
Company/Organization website:
Destination: Salem, Wisconsin
Timeframe: Summer 2023
Advisor/Coordinator Email:


Create an inventory system. Clean, inventory and organize the decor store. Run errands in a timely manner. Set up all china and linen rentals. Tear down and clean after every event. Be reachable via cell phone 24/7. Do all laundry after every event. Be on site morning of the wedding to put on finishing touches and be available to the client if they need anything. Complete dishes at the end of an event.


My greatest accomplishment during my internship is creating. inventory system of the Decor Store. During my time at Everlasting Details I was tasked to create a running inventory list for everything that we keep in the Decor Store. The Decor Store is a 24' x 20' -3" room where the owner keeps all of her decor, china, and linens that she has accumulated over the year. I took each piece cleaned, photographed, and measured it then put all of that information into a Google Sheets document to keep track if everything she has.

Learning experience

I learned so much working for Everlasting Details. The most important lesson that I've learned is how to be flexible. I tend to thrive with structure, however within my internship I have learned how important it is to be flexible. Especially, when it comes to your boss, co-workers, and clients.

What advice would you give?

Don't be afraid to jump into your internship. Although they can be very nerve racking, you'll learn so much and grow not only professionally but personally as well.

Career Connections