Emily Ryan

Throughout my internship my main responsibilities included leading and instructing athletes through both basketball and speed & agility training. I worked with a wide range of athletes from grades 3rd-12th. I was responsible for creating training plans for individual, small group, and large group workouts. Additionally, I created and posted social media content.
My greatest accomplishment was organizing and running an 8-week skills clinic. Each Sunday we offered 3 hours of skill training for grades 3rd-12th with a focus on a different skill each week. Being in charge of 20+ athletes at a time was a great experience to expand my ability of having control of a gym full of high energy athletes.
Learning experience
The only way to earn the respect from your athletes is to be confident in what you’re doing/saying and making sure they know you care about them.
What advice would you give?
When given the opportunity to gain hands-on experience, don’t just observe. Be willing to ask questions and get as much out of the experience as possible.