Eva Sherman

Throughout my time at Meals on Wheels, I worked on a variety of projects including the preparation of marketing materials, tabling at events, working on our hydroponic farm, delivering meals, data research and so much more.
At the very end of my internship, I attended the Iowa Hunger Summit hosted at the World Food Prize building in Des Moines. On top of that experience, I loved getting to meet and talk to clients and learn about how the Meals on Wheels program helps them so much!
Learning experience
When it comes to addressing any issue, big or small, there is no one right way to do it. Especially when it comes to food insecurity it will take a lot of effort from many people to make a big impact.
What advice would you give?
Be patient with yourself! Chances are low that you get everything right on the first try. So when you do make mistakes don't beat yourself up, just use it as a learning opportunity!