Ismael Del Rosario Mateo

During this, I'm mostly in charge of making sure all inquiries we get are answered. Also, if someone is looking to arrange a meeting or visit, I would be the one scheduling that as well. Although it might sound simple, it's not. Overseeing communication also makes you in charge of guest relations. I must maintain a certain level of patience and the skill to transmit comfort through emails. When it comes to this, I'm in charge of keeping our planning and calendar updated at all times. I also manage the check-in and check-out of clients, make sure keys are turned in, and rooms are left in good condition. When doing check-in, I have to prepare our welcome package, turn keys to the new client and show them to their designated room. Lastly, payments are something I always have to be updated on. I have to make sure they are easily accessible for my bosses to find and see. Coasis Coliving is a company based on a community, and it's priority is building a community with people who share similar interest. As their intern, I oversee bring clients together, organize weekly events, take pictures for later to be published on the company's social media platforms, but most importantly, building positive relations with our clients. This is one of the main things I do daily. Every day I have to overlook all of our social media platforms answering questions and ensuring engagement with our audience. At the end of each month, we would see the analytics and compare them with how I did before. I also manage our WhatsApp group chat which is where I would send our weekly event planner with activities throughout the week.
I would say my greatest accomplishment was the quantity of contacts and connections I made within my internship. I am a person who enjoys meeting new people socially and professionally, and this internship has given me both. Also, hearing comments from my coworkers about how my boss likes me always makes me feel good and confident about my skills. The inspiration my boss gives me ever day is immaculate, and I'm so thankful for that; this internship has been a blessing for me.
Learning experience
To succeed in your job, you have to take your communication skills seriously. Trusting yourself and your skills is a must. If you want to show your boss you know what you are doing and understand her/his instructions, you must demonstrate confidence. A beneficial learning experience within a job is learning from your mistakes and never giving up no matter how hard the task might seem. You have to believe in yourself and believe you are capable of doing anything proposed to you.
What advice would you give?
Don't lose motivation over your goals; some aspects of college might be distracting. Your motivation is what's going to create the balance between your social and professional life in college. Also, find things that inspire you to grow and take advantage of every opportunity that might come your way. Experience is essential, and it's never too much. Lastly, get off from your comfort zone and think outside the box; difference is good. Don't let anything or anyone swerve you away from your life path, and make sure to surround yourself with positive influence.