Child Development Laboratory School celebrates a century of innovation in early care and education on Oct. 24
- Thursday, Oct. 24
- 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
- Palmer Building (2222 Osborn Drive)
- ISU Storm Band
- Cy and the Cheer Squad
- Tours
- History exhibit
- Historical children’s games
- Cupcakes and ice cream

- child nutrition
- musical capacities in young children
- Project Pegasus for gifted preschoolers
- language development and its impact on literacy development
- parent/caregiver communication in infant/toddler settings

- Iowa Association of Nursery Education (1956)
- Iowa Association of School-Age Child Care (1990)
- Iowa Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (1993)
- 1933 – assisted the federal government in developing emergency nursery schools and training teachers
- 1965 – held model head start programs for training teachers
- 1990s – worked with Iowa legislature on the establishment of Early Childhood (birth to age 8) teacher licensure; Early Childhood Education special education was then added in 1996
- 2007 – partnership in the Statewide Voluntary Preschool (SWVPP) program to ensure access to quality education for all 4-year-olds