Latest research

A cornerstone of the land-grant mission of Iowa State University is a focus on research. And in the College of Health and Human Sciences, our research has a direct impact on the way our communities live and learn. Consider some of the current projects:

  • Christa Jackson, an associate professor in the school of education, received a $220,000 grant from Parametric Studios Inc. for their project EDISON Phase II (Engineering Design Instruction Software for Implementing Objectives of Next (EDISON) Generation Standards in K-12 Phase II). The project focuses on developing STEM curricula that allows middle-level students to use mathematics and science to engage in engineering design challenges on a gamified design, simulation, prototyping and collaborative software platform. The project will support middle-level teachers to effectively integrate science, technology, engineering and mathematics in their instruction.
  • Professor Gong-Soog Hong, an adjunct associate professor, and Janet Melby in human development and family studies received a $1,998,137 award from the Iowa Department of Human Services. The award continues a partnership between the ISU Child Welfare Research and Training Project and the DHS Bureau of Service Support and Training and Bureau of Child Care Service. The project provides on-line instructional courses, blended learning opportunities, and classroom training to IDHS Social workers and community partners. They are essential to the delivery of social, rehabilitative treatment and support services throughout Iowa. In addition, the award supports state-wide community-based initiatives and continued implementation of the Safe and Together Model. The contract includes matching support for the AmeriCorps Partnering to Protect Children program being administered through the Child Welfare Research and Training Project.
  • Guowen Song, an associate professor in apparel, events and hospitality management, received an award of $1,499,990 from the Department of Homeland Security to develop a glove that serves as a tool for hand thermal responses for firefighters and other emergency responders. They predict performance for both the whole hand and fingers under different thermal environmental conditions, glove materials, design features, and anthropometric and anatomical parameters. The results are expected to enhance wearers’ working efficiency, safety, health, and wellbeing.  
  • Angela Shaw, an assistant professor in food science and human nutrition, was awarded a three-year $950,000 grant from the federal Food and Drug Administration after applying through their competitive grant program. The grant will be used to establish the new North Central Regional Center for Food Safety Training, which will provide guidance to food processors and growers in 12 Midwestern states to become compliant with new regulations. The Iowa State University multidisciplinary team, comprised of faculty and Extension Specialists, is led by Angela Shaw, with support from Linda Naeve M.S. and Joseph Hannan, M.S. from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Dr. Catherine Strohbehn from the College of Health and Human Sciences.
  • Duck-Chul Lee, an associate professor in kinesiology, received $688,674 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute for the CardioRACE project (Comparison of the Cardiovascular Benefits of Resistance, Aerobic, and Combined Exercise). This is the fourth installment of the five-year grant, totaling $3,335,624. CardioRACE focuses on creating a one-year exercise intervention in 400 adults who are at a high risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD). This study aims to improve the quality of life of those who are projected to be affected by CVD, discovering the most effective combination of physical activities to utilize.

These are just five examples of the many outstanding research efforts being conducted in the College of Health and Human Sciences. Whether it’s a focus on the effects of singing on speech for those with Parkinson’s disease or exploring the impact of digestion-resistant starches, our research is at work around the world, and improving the lives of others.

Need More Information?

Sarah Carlson

Grant Coordinator

2155 Lagomarcino Hall
901 Stange Road
Ames Iowa 50011-1041
