Do you know this chicken?

Alumni News

While teaching a course in the Iowa State University meats lab in the spring of 1997, Knipe perused each student lab group’s chicken parts. Minutes later, he turned around and found a surprise. 

A hotel, restaurant, and institution management student had rearranged the capon parts into an entire bird. Amused by the uniquely displayed parts, Knipe snapped a photo to capture the student’s unique take on the assignment.

Knipe left Iowa State later that year to teach at The Ohio State University, but he never forgot the chicken. To this day, he includes the photo in a meat science lecture he delivers annually. The photo promotes originality and adds a little humor to the lecture.

“I always comment on how creative this student was,” Knipe said.

The associate professor would like to credit the individual who arranged the chicken, but he has since lost track of the student’s name. If you recall the incident, or you can provide any leads on the student, please let us know. We will pass your poultry recollections along to Dr. Knipe.

Key contacts

Cathy Curtis, communications director, College of Health and Human Sciences, 515-294-9175,
