Jenna Hunter

Major: Event Management
Class: Junior
Timeframe: Summer 2024
Type of Experience: Study Abroad
Program: Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute
Destination: Italy

Overall Experience

My experience studying abroad was one I'll never forget. I was able to travel to different countries and see churches and monuments that felt like a movie. I enjoyed studying abroad so much I would go back in an instant. I was able to create really cool relationships with the people I met as well.

Learning experience

I think learning how to adapt was the most valuable thing. Being thrown into a place I've never been was very daunting, but I learned that I can acclimate and familiarize myself very quickly.

Memorable experience

I had my 21st birthday while in Italy, and I think being surrounded by a bunch of people I had got to know and a location like Capri, Italy, was the coolest.

What did you not expect?

I didn't expect how much went into planning trips while abroad. Finding locations, hotels, and attractions. In event management, I could very well be responsible for planning destination trips for companies, and now I have a little taste of what it entails. It also taught me a lot about time management.

What advice would you give?

I think my number one piece of advice is to just do it. I didn't hold back when I was abroad and booking the trip in general. I wouldn't have known what I was missing out on, but now that I do, I would recommend it to anyone.

How has this experience impacted your life?

I think this experience opened my eyes to the way that other people live and the different cultures we experienced. Talking with locals everywhere we went and exchanging how our lives were different was amazing. Being an event management major, I took the food and wine class while in Italy, and I think it gave me a deeper understanding of some parts of the food and beverage industry with certain jobs venues may have, like a sommelier.

How did you learn about this experience?

I first heard about this through emails from Iowa State but then went to the study abroad fair to see what they offered and to hear a little about other people's experiences. Along with making an appointment with the study abroad office to get details about pricing and dates I could go.

International Connections