Rylee Sash

Overall Experience
Overall, I am really glad that I did this experience! This trip was a perfect mix of both educational learning and fun experiences. I got to improve my knowledge of the events and hospitality industry from an international perspective. I also got to meet so many new people who I have become really good friends with. I am so excited to be able to say that I now have international experience!
Learning experience
One of the things I really learned how to do is go with the flow. As an Event Management major, I am used to having everything planned out perfectly, but, on this trip, I had to learn that plans can change and you just have to learn to adapt to them. I also learned that you can relax on a trip but also have it be very educational.
Memorable experience
My favorite experience was doing a dolphin encounter at Blue Lagoon Island. At first I was really nervous to participate in the activity, but then I thought about how I may never get the opportunity to do it again, so I pushed past my nerves and did it. I ended up loving it! I had never seen a dolphin close up so it was really exciting to do this experience.
What did you not expect?
One thing that really surprised me was seeing the difference between the tourist part of Nassau and the local part of Nassau. There was a major difference in the quality of how the local people were living. It was very humbling to see how local Bahamians were living. It made me realize that I should never take for granted what I have.
What advice would you give?
Don’t be afraid to do something that scares you! I was hesitant to do this trip, but I am so glad I applied for it. If you have always wanted to travel abroad, this is a really good way to get your foot in the door!
How has this experience impacted your life?
This experience has really helped me to see how large resorts run regarding the events and hospitality side. It also helped meet professionals in these areas and ask them questions about their job. Since I did not quite know where I wanted to be in this industry, this trip helped me decide where I may want to work in the future.
How did you learn about this experience?
I had done some research online, and my professors talked about it during class.
International Connections