Investing in sustainability helps dietetic interns decrease food waste

Erin Bergquist, associate professor of teaching in the Dietetic Internship Program, helps dietetic interns understand food waste and how to decrease it. Sustainability is a major aspect of all rotations dietetic interns complete, an effort led by Bergquist and recognized by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics as a Champion Site for the Sustainable, Resilient, and Healthy Food and Water Systems Curriculum.
In encouraging sustainability and teaching about sustainable food systems, dietetic interns focus on ensuring access to safe and nutritious food for all.
Read the full ISU News story.
Key contacts
Priyanka Jayashankar, Management,, 515-294-7558
Erin Bergquist, Dietetic Internship,, 515-294-5324
Angie Hunt, News Service,, 515-294-8986