Graduation and Convocation Information

Graduation and Convocation Information
The College of Health and Human Sciences Convocation is meant to give you the recognition you deserve
The College of Health and Human Sciences convocation is a separate event from the official Iowa State University commencement ceremony. The convocation includes only students from the College of Health and Human Sciences and allows students and their guests a more individualized celebration of their achievement. Diploma covers are not presented at the college event. The covers are presented at the University commencement ceremony on Saturday, Dec. 21.
The Convocation
Who: Undergraduate students approved for graduation or early walks
Time: Friday, Dec. 20, 2024, 1 p.m
Place: C.Y. Stephens Auditorium
The Fall 2024 College of Health and Human Sciences Convocation will be held in C.Y Stephens Auditorium on Friday, Dec. 20, 2024, and begins at 1 p.m. Seating is unlimited and tickets are not required for admission. Attendance is optional.
The College of Health and Human Sciences Convocation will begin promptly at 1 p.m. and last approximately 60 minutes, doors open to the public at noon.
The convocation will include greetings from the Dean of the College, comments by a student speaker, and individual recognition of each graduating student who is in attendance. At the conclusion of the recognition of student award recipients, students will cross the stage as their names are read and be recognized by the Dean and the chair or director of their respective academic department or school.
Live Streaming
The Fall 2024 College of Health and Human Sciences Convocation live stream will begin at 1 p.m. on Dec. 20 and can be viewed below.
Fall 2024 Convocation

Spring 2024 Convocation
To recognize all students graduating from the college, and those receiving special college awards.
The College of Health and Human Sciences Convocation is a separate event from the official Iowa State University commencement ceremony. This event includes only students from the College of Health and Human Sciences and allows students and their guests a more individualized celebration of their achievement. Diploma covers are not presented at the college event; the covers are presented at the University commencement ceremony.
Arriving at C.Y. Stephens
Students will need to plan to arrive at Hilton Coliseum by 12:15 p.m. Please enter the east tower doors to pick up your reader card. Please plan enough time to complete your reader card with your mailing address and email address. You will be instructed where to line up; signs will be posted according to major. If you have a double major or are earning a double degree, you can choose with which major you would like to sit/cross the stage. Leave coats, purses, and other valuables with family or friends.
Directions and Parking
Directions to C.Y. Stephens are available. Parking is available in the Iowa State Center parking lot, directly south of Hilton Coliseum.
Cap and Gown Required
Black gown and cap with maroon tassel are required. These may be purchased from the ISU Book Store, Memorial Union. Students who have successfully completed the Honors Program and/or are graduating with distinction (3.5+ GPA at the end of the spring or summer 2024 semester) are encouraged to wear Honor cords.
Distinction cords are distributed by the Office of Registrar. If you have qualified for distinction cords, you will receive an email from the Office of the Registrar about a month before graduation with the date, time, and location to pick up your cords.
Early Walks
Those students who wish to participate in the College of Health and Human Sciences Convocation but do not graduate during the current term should submit an early participation request (PDF). Requests will be accepted until Friday, Nov. 22, for the fall convocation.
Convocation line-up
Students will register and line up at 12:15 p.m.
Invitations will be emailed in October to students at their University email addresses on file with the Office of the Registrar. Families will receive a personal invitation at the permanent addresses on file with the Registrar’s Office.
In order for a student to sign up to attend the College of Health and Human Sciences Convocation, students should follow the instructions on the ISU Graduation and Commencement webpage.
Special Arrangements
Any graduate or guest who plans to attend the College of Health and Human Sciences Convocation and who will need special assistance during the ceremony, should email Dynette Mosher or call 515-294-2820 prior to the ceremony to make arrangements.
Crossing the Stage
The most important part of the convocation is the individual recognition of graduates. Only the names of students who are present will be read. Recognition will be grouped by major. If you have multiple majors or will earn multiple degrees, you will be recognized only once. Marshals will lead the graduates to the foot of the stage to be recognized by the Dean and the graduate’s respective department chair or school director as the graduate’s name is read.
Diplomas will not be handed out at the CHHS Convocation but rather can be:
- Picked up by the graduate in 210 Enrollment Services or
- Mailed to the student 2-3 weeks after graduation.
Please contact the Iowa State Graduation Office if you have questions about your diploma options at 515-294-9372.
Empire Photography will take a photo of each graduate as they cross the stage and is greeted by the Dean. Graduating students may order photos using an online ordering system. However, you are under no obligation to order any photos.
Questions regarding photographs should be directed to:
Empire Photography
Graduates, families, and friends are invited to a reception (beginning at approximately 2 p.m. in the C.Y. Stephens first Floor Lobby. The reception is a good time to visit with family, friends, and faculty and to take small group photographs.