Emily Krapfl

Major: Child, Adult, and Family Services
Company/Organization: YSS
Company/Organization website: http://www.yss.org
Destination: Ames, Iowa
Timeframe: Summer
Advisor/Coordinator Email: enloe@iastate.edu


Lead Kitchen Specialist and Trainer/Emergency Services Specialist I worked at Rosedale shelter where I worked directly with the clients ages 12-17 for my internship. I spent time supervising the programming that they were involved in and completed.


Watching kids that have gone through out shelter go out into the world and make a difference. It gives you the satisfaction of making a difference in their lives.

What advice would you give?

Be open and flexible to new ideas in the field. Don't be afraid to admit you haven't found your speciality yet, the more experience you have in different aspects of the field is better to help you discover what you are good at and where you are most beneficial.

Career Connections