Hailey Smock
I was an outreach intern so I prepped for and attended many events. I was a large part in making sure we had everything we needed for each event we attended and then being there to set up, take down and run the event. I worked a lot with community members and teaching them about what PowerUp is.
My biggest project was making what we call event kits. We have many games that we bring out to the community and many people ask if they can use our games at their own events. I made it possible for community members to be able to use our games in an easy, organized way. Each kit is really just a game but I made instructions for each game so they know how to play along with set up. They are also packaged so that you are able to just grab whatever game you want and go.
What advice would you give?
Find an internship that works with your personality and skills. You're going to get the most out of the experience if you like what you are doing.