Anabelle Hanna

Major: Human Development and Family Studies
Company/Organization: Boys and Girls Club of America
Company/Organization website:
Destination: Ames, Iowa
Timeframe: Summer 2023
Advisor/Coordinator Email: hswebaid


My job responsibilities are to ensure the youth are in a safe, clean environment to learn and grow. I'm responsible for teaching and looking after the youth in my job and planning educational and fun activities for them. I also have to promote participation and make sure new students feel included.


My greatest accomplishment at work is connecting with the youth I'm working with. At the start of the internship, I was nervous since there were so many people I had to get to know. I made it a goal to talk to a few new people every day. Now I feel like I have a good professional relationship between me and the youth.

Learning experience

This internship has taught me how to handle confrontations between youth and help them find a solution. I've also learned that taking care of my own well-being is important. I know that if I'm not feeling my best, I'm not going to perform well at work, so I make sure to prioritize my well-being.

What advice would you give?

My advice is to connect with other peers and professors in your major. Also consider going to clubs, and joining groups. These connections can provide you with valuable opportunities.

Career Connections