Becca Parker
Overall Experience
My experience at the London College of Fashion was everything I could have hoped for! As a fashion student, I believe it is important to venture out, if possible, and explore creative hubs. London is one of the world's fashion capitals, and for good reason! The creativity and inspiration I observed from everything from the street style to the architecture in London made my experience extremely educational and eye-opening.
Learning experience
The most valuable learning experience I encountered at the London College of Fashion was the importance of finding and/or creating a creative community. For example, in my Fashion Styling course, my tutor was a professional fashion stylist- so cool! She encouraged my classmates and me to utilize the creative community of the University of the Arts London (the overarching university that LCF is under) to create photoshoot teams for our photoshoot projects. To my surprise, finding a photographer, models, and makeup artists willing to collaborate at no cost was quite easy! This experience helped me realize that there are always fellow creatives out there who want to improve their skills and knowledge just as much as you do!
Memorable experience
My most memorable experience from attending the London College of Fashion was when my Italian friend at LCF, Emma, made a home-cooked meal for my flatmates and me. This was a memorable moment because this was one of the last times my flatmates and I gathered together for a meal, which we did often. It was also memorable because it reminded me of how incredible it is to have made friends from different countries. I still keep in touch with my friend Emma and plan to revisit her in the future.
What did you not expect?
Something that surprised me was the difference in the fashion industry between Europe and the United States. As I traveled to England, Spain, France, and Italy, I noticed a major emphasis on luxury fashion since many large luxury fashion brands originated in Europe. However, the United States does not emphasize luxury fashion as much but focuses on ready-to-wear items that those of varying incomes can afford. However, this may be less environmentally sustainable. This may change how I approach my profession because I will need to consider the fashion desires of the region I work in.
What advice would you give?
If you are debating studying abroad... GO FOR IT! I understand that moving to a new country away from friends and family can be overwhelming. Before I studied abroad, I felt I would drift from my friends, classmates, and faculty at Iowa State. However, when I returned to ISU, I was welcomed back with open arms and have enjoyed sharing my study abroad experiences with others. Undoubtedly, a semester abroad will be very different than a semester at ISU, but it is important to embrace change to gain personal growth!
How has this experience impacted your life?
The most important way my study abroad experience has impacted my life is that it boosted my confidence. In London, I observed people being unafraid to express themselves or pursue their interests. My study abroad experience made me realize how important it is to do things for yourself, even if it is outside your comfort zone, because new things make you stronger and more confident!
How did you learn about this experience?
I learned about the London College of Fashion (LCF) program before I attended ISU. The LCF program was one of the reasons I chose ISU! I was super excited when, as a senior in high school, I discovered that ISU and LCF collaborate and easily allow students to transfer credits from LCF to ISU.
International Connections