It’s Our Honor to Have You 

Ready to get your Honors program adventure started? All students accepted into the College of Human Sciences honors program will be added to the canvas module and are required to attend a program orientation within six months of their acceptance. Invites will be sent out by the honors coordinator.

The purpose of these gatherings is to:

  • Welcome students into the program
  • Answer questions students may have about the program and its requirements
  • Allow students to get to know each other
  • Allow students to share their projects and experiences
  • Give faculty and staff an opportunity to meet the honors students

Program of Study

Once admitted to the College of Human Sciences Honors program, you must submit a program of study (POS) located in the CHS Honors Canvas module. The POS form identifies your path to completing your honors requirements with your graduation date in mind.


The program of study is due no less than 4 semesters prior to the graduation semester. This is usually spring semester of sophomore year by February 21st. The form can be completed on Canvas.

Should a student join the program with less than 4 semester remaining before the graduating semester, the POS is due when the project intent is due.


If you make changes to your POS, you do not need to inform the College Honors Coordinator unless those changes are considered major.

Major changes include the following:

  • A change in major
  • A change in honors project after the project intent has been submitted

Need More Information?

CHS Honors Program

131 MacKay Hall
2302 Osborn Drive
Ames, Iowa 50011-1078


Need More Information?

University Honors Program

2130 Jischke Honors Bldg.
603 Farm House Lane
Ames, Iowa 50011-1057
