Collaboration Cafe – open Friday afternoons!

  • Dates: Fridays during the spring semester (no Collaboration Cafe on March 15, March 29 or March 19)
  • Time: 1 to 3 p.m. – special topics run from 1:15 to 2:30 p.m. and attendees are welcome to come and go
  • Location: Joan Bice Underwood Tearoom (23 MacKay Hall)

The CHS Collaboration Café is an opportunity for you to connect with colleagues every Friday afternoon in a cafe-style atmosphere. Coffee, tea and refreshments will be provided by the college. The space will be set up to allow for flexibility whether you’re looking for individual, small or large-group work. The room will also be divided in to two spaces with one area designated for specific side conversations and topics.

Spring Special Topics at the Collaboration Cafe

Feb. 16 – Leveraging Library Resources: Join us for a special discussion with Jeff Kushkowski, Professor, Parks Library. Jeff will discuss the science and dissemination of literature reviews, library resources, and answer questions about the diverse resources available through Parks Library. Jeff’s expertise also encompasses innovation and entrepreneurship.

Feb. 23 – Finding Research Funding: Join us for a discussion of strategies to find research funding, hosted by the REACHS team. See a demo of available tools and learn tips for identifying opportunities.

March 1 – Ideas in Action Workshop: Promoting Student Innovation Opportunities: Join us for a special workshop facilitated by Abram Anders, Associate Director of the Student Innovation Center.  This is a great session to boost creative thinking and identify opportunities for continued strategic development in your courses.

March 8 – Research and Innovation Roundtable: College faculty and staff please register for the ISU Research and Innovation Roundtable happening on March 8. For those not attending the Research and Innovation Roundtable, join us in the Collaboration Cafe for a writing session or a last bit of work before break!

March 22 – AI and Teaching: Join us on for a discussion of AI and Teaching led by Associate Dean Bob Reason. This café session will provide an opportunity to discuss the Faculty Senate Spring Conference, “AI in Teaching and Research,” held on 3/21.

April 5 – AI, Scholarship, and Community Engagement: Join us for a discussion of AI, Scholarship, and Community Engagement. This café session will provide an opportunity to discuss the Faculty Senate Spring Conference, “AI in Teaching and Research,” held on 3/21, and explore AI as related to CHS and our land-grant mission.

April 26 – Celebration: Join us to celebrate the spring semester and pick up a few tips for maximizing summer.

The CHS Collaboration Cafe is a perfect spot to meet up with colleagues for:

  • Collaborative planning over a specific Request For Proposal (RFP)
  • Meetings of research specialty areas
  • Invited groups to brainstorm collaborative ideas over special topics/interest areas
  • Mentor and mentee get togethers
  • Consultations with the REACHS team
  • Individual writing time in a cafe atmosphere

Faculty Circle

All College of Health and Human Sciences faculty are invited to participate in monthly round table meetings. Join in these events to stay in touch with colleagues, share resources and professional development opportunities, and engage with ongoing discussions. There are circles for both term and tenure-eligible faculty.

Faculty CircleDateTimeLocation
Term Faculty02/09 (Friday)8:30 to 9:300331 Palmer
Assistant Professors 02/09 (Friday)12:00 to 10331 Palmer
Term Faculty02/27 (Tuesd)12:00 to 10331 Palmer
Assoicate Professors03/01 (Friday)12:00 to 10331 Palmer
Term Faculty04/03 (Wedne)8:30 to 9:300331 Palmer
Associate Professor04/05 (Friday)12:00 to 1 0331 Palmer
Assistant Professor04/17 (Wedne)12:15 to 1:15lunch in the MU
Combined Social04/26 (Friday)12:00 to 10331 Palmer